ECT Brownbag:

Dr. Vanessa Echeverria

Human-centered Design for

Collaboration Analytics User Interfaces

When: Tuesday, September 21 , 12pm– 1pm EST
Zoom Link:

Nowadays, there has been a growing interest in adopting multimodal learning analytics solutions, such as user interfaces, to support collaboration activities in the classroom. Ideally, these user interfaces may help students reflect on and learn from their own experiences, closing the feedback loop of the learning analytics process. Current research in CSCW and CSCL has focused on broadening the understanding of collaboration theories in various domains using multimodal data. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to collaboration analytics user interfaces to help students reflect on their group work processes.

In this talk, I address the challenge of designing, developing, and evaluating collaboration analytics user interfaces using multimodal evidence by taking a human-centered approach. I will lay out this talk by mapping from collaboration constructs to user interfaces that convey meaningful information. I will also discuss technical, ethical, and methodological implications when developing and validating collaboration analytics user interfaces.

About the speaker:

Dr. Vanessa Echeverria is an Assistant Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) at Guayaquil, Ecuador. She worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, US. She holds a Ph.D. in Learning Analytics from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and an MSc. In Artificial Intelligence from KULeuven, Belgium. Her research interests are on designing, developing, and evaluating feedback tools to support group activities. She leverages the richness of physical and digital learning environments to capture group interactions by harnessing, analyzing, and visualizing meaningful multimodal data. Her work spans various domains such as healthcare for professional development, K-12, and Higher education and covers HCI and AI disciplines. Her work has been published in top venues such as CHI and CSCW conferences.

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