ECT Brownbag: Ioana Literat

LAMBOOZLED: A Game-Based Approach to News Literacy Education

Thursday, March 4, 10:00 – 11:00am EST

Given the need for innovative, engaging, and youth-centered approaches to media literacy, games emerge as a particularly promising and under-utilized avenue for news literacy education. This research asks, how might we use game-based learning to stimulate news literacy among a youth audience? Here, I reflect on the process of designing and evaluating LAMBOOZLED!, a news literacy game for middle school and high school students. Positioning this work at the nexus of game design and media literacy education, we discuss the larger stakes of adopting a game-based approach to news literacy education in the current political climate, as well as our future plans with the digital version of the game.

About the speaker

Ioana Literat (PhD in Communication at the University of Southern California) is Assistant Professor in the Communication, Media & Learning Technologies Design program at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research examines youth online participation, with a particular focus on the intersection of civic and creative practices in online contexts. Her work has been published in the Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, Communication Theory, and Information, Communication & Society, among others.

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