ECT Brownbag: Qiujie Li

Using clickstream data to measure, understand, and support self-regulated learning in online courses

When: Tuesday, November 10th, 10am – 11am EST
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The ability to regulate one’s learning is essential for success in online courses. Clickstream data, the detailed and real-time record of students’ interaction with the online platforms, provide new opportunities to measure, understand, and support students’ self-regulation in virtual learning. Recent efforts have used clickstream data to create timely, fine-grained, and comprehensive measures of self-regulated learning (SRL) behaviors in online courses in an attempt to shed light on the process of SRL and to improve the identification of students who lack SRL skills and are at risk of low achievement. Studies have also attempted to support students’ self-regulation in virtual learning environments using the clickstream data to provide students with feedback on their learning behaviors. However, key questions remain: to what extent do these clickstream measures correspond to traditional self-reported measures about specific SRL constructs? How effective are behavioral feedback interventions on student learning process and performance outcomes and what are the operating mechanisms? In this talk, I will discuss two studies that attempted to answer these questions. The first study used the clickstream data collected from a learning management system to measure two aspects of SRL (i.e., time management and effort regulation) and triangulated clickstream measures with student self-reported data from before and after the course. The second study tested the effect of one behavioral feedback intervention on student outcomes and verified a proposed mechanism through a randomized controlled trial in a large online undergraduate course.

About the speaker

Qiujie Li is a postdoctoral research fellow in Learning Analytics Research Network at New York University. Her research is situated at the intersection of learning analytics, online learning, and self-regulated learning, and is particularly about using clickstream data to measure and facilitate self-regulated learning in online courses. She obtained her Ph.D. in Education from The University of California, Irvine, and received her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Educational Technology at Beijing Normal University. Her work has been published at places such as The Internet and Higher Education, Computers and Education, and British Journal of Educational Technology.


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