Mesh Ed

AI & Education Internship

About MeshEd

About MeshEd Collective + Action Labs | MeshEd is a public benefit corporation (PBC) that builds innovative curriculum and professional development experiences for K12 schools. We believe students learn best by connecting their learning to real-world interests, challenges, and opportunities. MeshEd provides affordable project-based learning curricula and digital learning tools  to students; we also provide  professional development services to teachers and educational leaders. MeshEd’s unique approach to project-based learning  brings together students from different socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds to build and digitally archive passion projects — and to share works of imagination, social justice, and environmental stewardship. 

All of the MeshEd courses, which we call “Action Labs,”  foster collaboration and design thinking skills and culminate in digital portfolio projects that showcase students’  passions and connect them to rewarding next-generation careers. Previous projects have ranged from podcasts to video games to short-form videos of how to reinvent and recycle your own clothing— all supported by a committed instructional team of experienced educators, student teachers, and celebrated guest experts. Our foundational framework integrates High-Quality Project-Based Learning, socio-emotional learning (CASEL), culturally-responsive teaching (CRT), digital technology standards (ISTE), and the UN Sustainable Development goals. 

MeshEd is also on the forefront of researching and developing AI technologies to enhance project-based learning. MeshEd produces and convenes summits and events that foster exploration and discussion of AI and education. Here is a summary of our most recent symposium on AI + Education hosted in partnership with Betaworks Studios, the Emerson Collective, and the XQ Institute. 

About the Internship

MeshEd seeks graduate student interns with a strong background in and passion for AI technologies and development. MeshEd is currently looking for interns to support the development of new AI-powered learning  tools to support project-based learning. Interns may also research new AI-based courses such as the Digital Animation + AI Lab. 

Core internship responsibilities:

Internship Details

MeshEd is committed to collaborating with graduate students who are on the forefront of AI innovation. Internships are part-time, ranging 10-25 hours per week depending on the assigned internship project. Total stipend for a completed internship is approximately $1,200 but may vary depending on projects . Interns are expected to log and invoice weekly  hours worked. Stipend amount subject to change depending on hours worked. Interns will generally be paid in the middle and at the end of their internship terms.

How to apply:

To apply, please email your resume (and optional portfolio) to Maaike Bouwmeester at and Chrissy Glaser